23:56 |
Osewoudt - Eiserne Zeit
23:49 |
Pail - Decadence By Desing
23:44 |
Mergel Kratzer - Fuglesang
23:39 |
De/Vision - Dress Me When I Bleed
23:36 |
Zweistürzende Altbauten - Zugunruhe
23:30 |
Schattenspiel - Good Morning Sick Wo
23:24 |
La Pietra Lunare - La Casa Del Vecchi
23:18 |
Phase III - So Say We All
23:14 |
NTRSN - Man Is Machine
23:08 |
Der Arbeiter - Patmos
23:04 |
The Devil And The Universe - Iblis
22:59 |
Radio Murmansk - Not A Slogun Song
22:55 |
Stahlwerk 9 - Mogilew Podolski
22:48 |
Nocturne - Fleisch Und Metall
22:41 |
Flint Glass - Dust Partticles
22:32 |
Aurum Nostrum - I Am And I Was Of Your Kind
22:27 |
Asche - Another Prig
22:23 |
Krieger - Des Lichtes
22:17 |
Imminent Starvation - Lost Highway 45
22:13 |
XoToX - Das Haus an der Thune
22:10 |
Screloma - Atomic Test
22:04 |
Dive - No Pain - No Game
22:00 |
Indigo Larvae - Am I Dead
21:56 |
Kontrast - Deutsches Land
21:54 |
Cosmicity - Master, It's Cold Outside
21:50 |
Float - Against The Tide
21:45 |
Floating Points - Home (Floating Point)
21:41 |
Leæther Strip - Ever changing landscapes (Feat. Anne Goldacker)
21:34 |
Delay - When the moon became red
21:30 |
Bremsstrahlung Synth Pop - Principio de Incertidumbre
21:26 |
Celebrate the Nun - Falling Rain
21:23 |
Vogon Poetry - Dream Dream Dream
21:17 |
Florence Foster Fan Club - Ataraxia
21:12 |
Assemblage 23 - You haven't earned it.
21:08 |
Red Mecca - Control
21:03 |
Lost Area - Man Machine
20:58 |
Informatik - The End
20:54 |
T.G.V.T. - Scary Dream Section
20:51 |
Zhark - Haunebu III (Prototyp Mix)
20:45 |
This Morn - One eYed Man
20:38 |
Rob D. - Clubbed to Death
20:35 |
Prager Handgriff - Prag
20:29 |
Subheim - Stranded
20:24 |
die Sektor - Death At First Light
20:19 |
Oil10 - Electric Angels
20:13 |
Der Arbeiter - Patmos
20:06 |
Zhark - Eisenzeit
19:59 |
19:54 |
Har Belex - Waves
19:49 |
Narsilion - Nerbeleth
19:44 |
Eldar - Vagadonnaego Adar Gens
19:43 |
Jingle Eldar - Jingle 1/10
19:37 |
19:34 |
Mekanik Disorder - Das letzte Mal
19:30 |
Har Belex - One More Nail
19:25 |
Plasmodivm - Voices
19:21 |
Culture Kultür - Drum Machine
19:21 |
Jingle Culture Kultür - 1
19:15 |
Pail - Ruins
19:09 |
Har Belex - Lo Invisible
19:04 |
DER BLAUE REITER - Eyes on the Lost
19:04 |
18:57 |
Cronos Titan - Clouds Of Glory
18:53 |
CYGNOSIC - Behold The Lie
18:50 |
Rome - Tyriat Sig Tyrias
18:46 |
Frontal - i-Generation
18:40 |
Battle Scream - Seelenfeuer
18:36 |
Traum'er Leben - Sternenklar 2
18:30 |
cryo - In Your Eyes
18:26 |
VUDUVOX - Bruit Blanc
18:23 |
Position Parallèle - Un Derniere RDV
18:19 |
Anne Clark - The Darkest Hour (Remix by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer) Sn
18:15 |
Har Belex - Ray of Moon
18:10 |
Arts Of Erebus - Ghost Of War
18:06 |
6ct Humour - Dual
18:02 |
Stein - Das Eine
17:56 |
The Klinik - Memories
17:48 |
Front Line Assembly - Infra Red Combat
17:43 |
Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod
17:39 |
Zweistürzende Altbauten - Akta Gamat
17:37 |
NTRSN - No Remorse
17:31 |
Groupe T - Commando T master 3
17:28 |
Projekt 26 - Stand Up And Fight
17:23 |
God Is LSD - Live in CMC
17:20 |
Dance Or Die - Teenagemakeup (Original Mix)
17:15 |
Dupont - Entering The Ice Age
17:11 |
17:05 |
Cronos Titan - Clouds Of Glory
16:58 |
In Gowan Ring - The Wind That Cracks The Leaves
16:52 |
Neun Welten - Valg
16:48 |
Leger des Heils - Evocation
16:44 |
Project Nightwolf - Lust (Elite Version)
16:38 |
7pm Ritual - Night
16:34 |
Pollock - Widerseetraeume
16:30 |
Valence - Allogene
16:27 |
Dance Hospital - Es Geht Eine Traene Auf Reise
16:23 |
Snog - Bourgeois (Recently Deceased Remix)
16:20 |
Triarii - W.A.R. (We Are Rome)
16:16 |
Scott Walker - The Angels Of Ashes
16:12 |
DEDALE(S) - Slaughter of Innocence
16:08 |
Von Thronstahl - The Saints Are Coming
16:06 |
Jorvallr - Your End Is Near
16:01 |
Projekt Blauland - Erstickt (Natural)
15:56 |
Dandelion Wine - Stain Glass Colours
15:52 |
Spectra Paris - License To Kill
15:48 |
Die Perlen - GroSSStadt
15:44 |
Beata Beatrix - Waiting the Moon
15:38 |
Anathema - A Natural Disaster
15:35 |
Future Trail - Monochrome Affair
15:30 |
Train to Spain - BLIPBLOP
15:25 |
Chandeen - Spicerider
15:20 |
Brillig - Bird From The Ashes
15:14 |
In Strict Confidence - Feeling
15:11 |
Evanescence - Going Under
15:07 |
Distorted Reality - Super Crush
15:03 |
Mechanical Moth - Crimson Theme
14:58 |
Emilie Autumn - Epilogue: What If
14:53 |
Red Mecca - Animal
14:46 |
Plastique Noir - Six Feet Under
14:43 |
Parade Ground - Moan On The Sly
14:33 |
The Sisters Of Mercy - This Corrosion
14:28 |
Golden Apes - Digging Towers
14:23 |
Lacrimosa - The turning point
14:19 |
Lisa Morgenstern - Eskalation
14:16 |
The Pussybats - A Wish
14:11 |
14:07 |
Klirrfaktor - Welt in Scherben
14:02 |
Dominion - The Light of Day
13:57 |
Arts Of Erebus - Dawn Of The Dead (Single Mix)
13:51 |
Hidden Place - Picture Hall
13:46 |
Alien Sex Fiend - I Walk the Line
13:36 |
Anathema - Crestfallen
13:30 |
Misantrophe - Verbannt
13:26 |
Lacuna Coil - Enjoy The Silence
13:22 |
Cinemascope - Slowly Beating Heart
13:19 |
Bloody Dead And Sexy - Der Kuss
13:13 |
Lost in Desire - i Am Drama Born for Bliss Remix
13:05 |
Type O Negative - Everything Dies
12:59 |
McCarthy/Terence Fixmer - Through a Screen
12:54 |
Chainreactor - Psychokiller
12:50 |
Nine Inch Nails - Mr. Self Destruct
12:46 |
Suicide Commando - See you in hell
12:41 |
Rotersand - war on error - dj edit
12:40 |
Werbung Portion Control - Werbung 1
12:36 |
Tyske Ludder - Bastard
12:30 |
Wumpscutt - Soylent green
12:24 |
Calva Y Nada - Der Sturm
12:20 |
V2A - Body Hammer
12:12 |
Rob D. - Clubbed to Death
12:08 |
Y-LUK-O - The gift
12:07 |
Jingle Mesh - 1
12:01 |
VNV Nation - Genesis
11:57 |
Jabberwock - Faith
11:53 |
X-RX - Headhunter
11:48 |
11:43 |
Inertia - Follow Me
11:39 |
Neotek - Revolver
11:33 |
Apoptygma Berzerk - Non-Stop Violence
11:32 |
Werbung ASP - 2
11:28 |
Nachtmahr - Alle Lust will Ewigkeit
11:23 |
Ministry - Just One Fix
11:20 |
Dupont - Behave
11:16 |
Front 242 - Im Rhythmus bleiben
11:10 |
X-Fusion - Thorn In My Flesh
11:06 |
Suicide Commando - Blood In Face
11:01 |
Rotersand - dirty
10:57 |
H-Blockx - Move
10:51 |
L.A. Style - James Brown Is Dead
10:49 |
Roy Orbison - Almost Eighteen
10:45 |
Korn - Make Me Bad
10:41 |
Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
10:36 |
Prince - Gett Off
10:32 |
Guns n roses - Welcome to the jungle
10:27 |
R.E.M. - Man On The Moon
10:23 |
Al Wilson - The Snake
10:20 |
Karen Dalton - Something On Your Mind
10:14 |
Madonna - Rain
10:10 |
Rednex - cotton eyed joe
10:05 |
Jimi Tenor - Spell
09:59 |
Oil10 - Electric Angels
09:56 |
The Cold - I don't wanna
09:51 |
Lennart - Tala
09:47 |
Battle Scream - Secret Invasion
09:43 |
Traum'er Leben - Des Morgens Schüler
09:40 |
Dexy Corp - Dark Bliss
09:35 |
X-Fusion - Bringer of light
09:30 |
Mantus - Sturm
09:25 |
CeDigest - Evil Returns
09:21 |
Fliehende Sturme - Teilzeit
09:18 |
Halo Effect - Harder and Faster
09:17 |
Jingle Anima Virus - Jingle1
09:14 |
:ERNTEGANG: - Swoord of reason
09:08 |
Dandelion Wine - Stain Glass Colours
08:59 |
b.o.s.c.h. - Kaelte
08:56 |
La Pietra Lunare - Battesimo Di Un Somaro
08:52 |
LYRONIAN - Honest Zombie
08:47 |
Leæther Strip - Leaether Strip - 02 - Martin
08:44 |
Substaat - I Feed You My Love
08:39 |
Dupont - Entering The Ice Age
08:34 |
Void - Hymne der ewigen Liebe
08:34 |
Jingle Autodafeh 2010 - 1
08:29 |
Anima Virus - An Old Wisdom
08:25 |
Shatoo - Dangertown (2013 Remix by Angst Pop feat. Technomancer)
08:24 |
Jingle PromoFabrik - Jingle
08:18 |
Sharon Next - Holyhead (Elegant Form Remix)
08:14 |
Solemn Novena - Juliette
08:09 |
ASP - Kummer (Katzenjammer Langschnitt)
08:06 |
Cineteca Meccanica - Deviazioni
08:00 |
DESTROID - Lucretia My Reflection
07:52 |
Ain Soph - Monsalvat (Remastered)
07:48 |
Obsc(y)re - To Late
07:47 |
Jingle Adversus - 1
07:43 |
Lost Area - Man Machine
07:37 |
Novalis deux - Ghost over europe
07:31 |
YelworC - The Shrine Of Illusion (Version I)
07:27 |
Philosopher's Point - In my mind
07:22 |
Boudoir - Wake Up
07:16 |
Waffenruhe - Überwindung des Alten durch sieghafte Kraft
07:07 |
Glenn Love - Hang On
07:01 |
Aeterna - Man Is Disorder
06:58 |
Heaven Host - Kruzhis' So Mnoj Smert', Kak V Galaktikah Kruzhatsja Zvezdy (Part I)
06:57 |
7pm Ritual - Jingle 7pm Ritual
06:53 |
Schacht - Tanz
06:49 |
Mechanical Moth - Feenzauber
06:46 |
Attention System - Drastic Measures
06:42 |
Röyksopp - The Girl and the Robot ft. Robyn
06:38 |
Absurd Minds - Somebody
06:29 |
The Green Man - Blindness Is Bliss
06:26 |
Svalbard - Razvivaysya Syry Dube (Belorussian Traditional)
06:22 |
Osewoudt - Ogen van stro
06:16 |
Hagen's Brut - Zerstör' den Spiegel
06:12 |
Nitzer Ebb - Lighning man
06:12 |
Jingle Camping im Keller - 1
06:07 |
Feeding Fingers - Neverlight
06:01 |
Der Arbeiter - Neue Atlantis
05:57 |
6ct Humour - Venture And Dream (WLS Mix)
05:52 |
Enter And Fall - Beat Conductor
05:47 |
Red Industrie - My Victory Featuring Psyche
05:41 |
ART ABSCONs - Frei Felder J
05:38 |
Raven Adore - Killing Me
05:33 |
Hautville - Pro Salute Populi
05:27 |
Stillste Stund - Sternenwacht
05:20 |
05:20 |
Jingle Caisaron - 1
05:16 |
Janosch Moldau - Clear (Another Radio Mix)
05:11 |
KiloWatts & Vanek - Morningstar
05:08 |
Black Heaven - Decadence
05:03 |
MRDTC - Falling (Under Construction By Logikfehler)
04:59 |
The Girl & The Robot - I Will Always Be With You
04:54 |
Verney 1826 - To The Moon
04:46 |
Poesie Noire - Die Sonne
04:40 |
Black Wedding - De Patria
04:36 |
Tyske Ludder - Bastard
04:36 |
Jingle Angst Pop - Jingle
04:32 |
STRYDWOLF - Ontwaakt
04:26 |
Project Pitchfork - Feel!
04:22 |
Schneewittchen - Perlen Vor Die Saue
04:17 |
04:12 |
Mergel Kratzer - Fuglesang
04:07 |
Beata Beatrix - Delirium and Love
04:03 |
Sudeten Creche - My Beloved
04:00 |
Neue Liebe - LIAPN
03:58 |
Void Kampf - 69
03:51 |
Endless Asylum - Schizophrenia
03:51 |
Jingle Atomic Neon - Jingle Promo Fabrik Radio
03:44 |
Àrnica - Marchando al Albor
03:42 |
Mushroom's Patience - Tractor Train Ochestra
03:37 |
C-Drone-Defect - Morituri Te Salutant
03:33 |
Kissin' Black - How it Ends (Acoustic Version)
03:29 |
K-BEREIT - Virus K
03:24 |
First Aid 4 Souls - Painkiller
03:21 |
sToa - Sakrileg
03:18 |
Hatesex - The Necrokiss Of Melancholy
03:14 |
Dernière Volonté - Les Rêves Dedorian
03:09 |
EUROCIDE - Fallen Nations
03:09 |
Jingle Akanoid - 1
03:07 |
Klutae - Tequila Slammer
03:00 |
Inertia - Anticulture
02:56 |
Alien Produkt - dark visions(yluko remix)
02:51 |
Rotersand - war on error - declaration
02:49 |
Nordarr - Warnung (97 Early Edit)
02:45 |
Bloody Dead And Sexy - The Fix
02:38 |
Lennart - 9-11
02:33 |
Psyborg Corp. - My Mechatronics
02:29 |
Christoph Theußl - I bin tot
02:25 |
Chainreactor - Locked in
02:25 |
Jingle Chainreactor - Promofabrik Radio - Jingle 1
02:18 |
In Auroram - My Anguish
02:14 |
Y-LUK-O - Rhythm of your heart
02:10 |
Luceed - Circus Made
02:06 |
Oniric - Blessing
02:02 |
Pokemon Reaktor - COLDER
01:59 |
Dexy Corp - A Needle In Each Arm
01:54 |
7pm Ritual - Night
01:48 |
Love? - 02 This City - Clubmix
01:42 |
DER BLAUE REITER - Radioactive
01:37 |
Prospective - The Light Faded
01:37 |
Jingle Absurd Minds - 2
01:32 |
LYRONIAN - Love Is Rare
01:26 |
Leæther Strip - Leaether Strip - 07 - Lie to me
01:20 |
Exid to Eden - She is
01:16 |
Angelspit - Hyperlust
01:12 |
Void - Nichts
01:04 |
Shatoo - Floodlights
00:58 |
CeDigest - Limb From Limb
00:52 |
Har Belex - Der Akerbeltz
00:47 |
Solemn Novena - Kiss The Girls
00:47 |
Jingle Black Wedding - 2
00:43 |
X-RX - Headhunter
00:39 |
Portion Control - Blind Eyes
00:34 |
DEN.C.T.BUG - Deutschstunde
00:20 |
Ain Soph - Stella Maris (Remastered)
00:14 |
Hidden Place - Picture Hall
00:10 |
Dementi - Was halt mich hier
00:06 |
Novalis deux - Put on your shoes
00:02 |
Mystery of Dawn - Sex sells (kurz)