23:57 |
Die Krupps - Fatherland
23:53 |
Calva Y Nada - Rascheln
23:47 |
Zero Defects - Duracel (Maxi Version)
23:42 |
Bigod 20 - The Bog (Techno Duck Mix)
23:38 |
Apoptygma Berzerk - Deep Red
23:35 |
Psyche - Wish (Live)
23:31 |
Oomph! - Ich bin Du
23:26 |
Twice A Man - Decay
23:22 |
Helium Vola - Omnis Mundi Creatura (Radio Version)
23:17 |
Rammstein - Du riechst so gut
23:13 |
à;GRUMH... - Ha People
23:09 |
In The Nursery - Blue Religion
23:03 |
Armageodon Dildos - East West
22:59 |
Blackhouse - Totally Gone
22:54 |
Beborn Beton - Torture
22:49 |
Leæther Strip - Adrenaline Rush
22:44 |
The Fair Sex - Cyberbite
22:40 |
Dance Or Die - Aliens Electric
22:35 |
Laibach - Leben heißt leben
22:31 |
No More - Suicide Commando
22:27 |
Dein Schatten - Woanders sein
22:22 |
Numb - Lies
22:18 |
Absent Minded - No Chance
22:14 |
Orange Sector - Proximity
22:05 |
Das Ich - Sonne, Mond und Sterne
21:59 |
The Eternal Afflict - San Diego (The Tragical)
21:54 |
Tilt! - Merciless
21:50 |
Bel Canto - Spiderdust
21:45 |
Cyber Axis - A.I.Y.M.
21:41 |
Love Like Blood - Walking In Demimondes
21:37 |
Escape With Romeo - Lullaby
21:33 |
Gracious Shades - This Blackness
21:29 |
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Alle gegen alle
21:25 |
Die Form - Bite Of God
21:19 |
The Frozen Autumn - Again
21:15 |
Mentallo & The Fixer - Decomposed
21:11 |
The Klinik - Moving Hands
21:07 |
Some More Crime - Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland
21:02 |
Scapa Flow - Drugstore
20:57 |
And One - Metalhammer
20:53 |
Revenge Of Nephthys - The Factory (Industrial Mix)
20:47 |
Die Krupps & Nitzer Ebb - The Machineries Of Joy
20:43 |
The Eternal Afflict - Song Of Faith
20:37 |
Ghosting - Bombed The World
20:32 |
Skinny Puppy - Worlock (Live)
20:25 |
The Invincible Spirit - Push!
20:18 |
Sleeping Dogs Wake - Toys For Alice
20:14 |
Leæther Strip - Japanese Bodies
20:09 |
Dorsetshire - Schreie
20:05 |
Welle:Erdball - Starfighter F-1046
20:01 |
Some More Crime - Der Tod Ist Ein Meister
19:56 |
Oomph! - Der neue Gott
19:50 |
Clock DVA - Voice Recognition Test
19:46 |
Haujobb - Eye Over You
19:40 |
Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
19:35 |
Dorsetshire - Herzschlag
19:30 |
Limo Detic - Carpe Diem
19:25 |
Placebo Effect - Move (Animation Remix)
19:21 |
Funker Vogt - Take Care
19:16 |
WILL-O' - Father Forgive
19:12 |
Suicide Commando - Traumatize (Mix 2)
19:05 |
Skinny Puppy - Inquisition
19:01 |
Second Voice - Cover Me
18:56 |
Welle:Erdball - Nyntändo-Schock (Letzte Stufe)
18:53 |
The Weathermen - Poison
18:48 |
Cyber-Tec Project - Let Your Body Die (Original Mix)
18:42 |
Das Ich - Der Schrei (Remix)
18:35 |
Deine Lakaien - Colour-Ize
18:29 |
Silke Bischoff - To Protect And To Serve
18:24 |
Eco - Hass & Liebe (94er Mix)
18:19 |
Front Line Assembly - Barcode (Edit 3.0)
18:15 |
Placebo Effect - Slashed Open
18:11 |
Nitzer Ebb - Getting Closer
18:07 |
Codex - Riechst Du das?
18:01 |
Armageddon Dildos - The Hunter
17:56 |
:wumpscut: - Mother
17:51 |
Mainesthai - Exit (Stage Left)
17:45 |
Front Line Assembly - Gun
17:40 |
Projectile - In A Manner Of Speaking
17:34 |
Acmé - Poison
17:31 |
The Klinik - Black Leather
17:26 |
S.P.O.C.K - Neutral Zone
17:22 |
Usarian - Manko?
17:17 |
The Mao Tse Tung Experience - Irregular Times
17:12 |
Spartak - Fuck The Army
17:09 |
Signal Aout 42 - Pro Patria
17:05 |
The Invincible Spirit - Contact
17:01 |
Poésie Noire - Come Pjutr Syntax Error
16:55 |
Violet Arcana - In The Scene Of The Mind
16:51 |
La Floa Maldita - Sorciere (Radio Version)
16:48 |
Gaytron - Männerliebe
16:44 |
Image Transmission - Agony Of Ecstacy
16:39 |
Haujobb - World Window (Album Version)
16:35 |
Decence - Genises (Club Edit)
16:29 |
Delerium - Prophecy
16:24 |
Soul In Solation - Evelyn
16:20 |
Der Liederkranz - Der Almanach 2000
16:15 |
Plastic Noise Expierence - Kill The 6
16:12 |
Blind Passengers - Yes Sir
16:06 |
Qntal - Ad Mortem Festinamus
16:00 |
Front Line Assembly - Threshold
15:56 |
Das Ich - Sodom und Gomorra (Relikt Version)
15:51 |
Covenant - Figurehead
15:46 |
The Fair Sex - Not Now, Not Here
15:39 |
Kirlian Camera - Eclipse V4
15:32 |
Tilt - Merciless (Incl. Overture)
15:28 |
Girls Under Glass - The Heat In My Heart
15:21 |
Das Ich - Kain und Abel
15:18 |
Sequence Of Life - Love
15:10 |
And One - Techno Man (Live)
15:06 |
Kode IV - Accelerate
15:01 |
Beborn Beton - Torture
14:51 |
Click | Click - Yakutsa
14:45 |
Haujobb - Homes And Gardens
14:40 |
Die Form - Silent Order
14:36 |
Distain! - I Beg For You
14:30 |
Birmingham 6 - Israel
14:25 |
C-Tec - Gesellschaft
14:20 |
Cyber Axis - Faith No More (95er Edit)
14:16 |
Paracont - D-Ranged
14:12 |
The Psychic Force - Underpass
14:07 |
Malaise - Something Else
14:01 |
Apoptygma Berzerk - Non-Stop Violence
13:58 |
X Marks The Pedwalk - Conversion
13:54 |
Breathe - Tenebre
13:51 |
Tommi Stumpf - Massaker
13:47 |
Inside Treatment - Klaustrophobia
13:42 |
Fortification 55 feat. Cyan - And Tomorrow Atlantis
13:37 |
Collide - Beneath The Skin
13:32 |
Calva Y Nada - Fernes Leid
13:27 |
Forthcoming Fire - The Mask
13:22 |
Evils Toy - Dear God
13:16 |
The Psychic Force - Like An Animal
13:13 |
The Eternal Afflict - We Lebanon You
13:09 |
Engelsstaub - Fallen Angel
13:05 |
Printed At Bismarck's Death - O' What Can All Thee
13:01 |
S.P.L - Gelöbnis
12:55 |
C-Drone-Defect - Psycho2VII
12:51 |
Dronning Maud Land - Hollow Eyes
12:46 |
Genital A-Tech - Dich zu Lieben
12:40 |
Zero Defects - Duracel
12:35 |
Project Pitchfork - Souls
12:31 |
Lab Animals - Vitriol
12:26 |
Apoptygma Berzerk - Spiritual Reality
12:24 |
Atrocity Exhibition - Everlasting Gloves
12:20 |
The Cassandra Complex - Nightfall (Over EC)
12:14 |
Front Line Assembly - Provision
12:10 |
Individual Totem - Levitation (Remix)
12:04 |
Hunting Lodge - Tribal Warning Shot
11:59 |
Forma Tadre - Looking Glass Men
11:55 |
à;GRUMH... - Ha People
11:50 |
Project Pitchfork - The Abeyance
11:43 |
Inside - Vampire
11:39 |
Trau Ma - Before The Silence
11:36 |
Psyche - Wish (Live)
11:32 |
In The Nursery - Blue Religion
11:26 |
Armageodon Dildos - East West
11:21 |
Fortification 55 - In Their Eyes
11:17 |
Helium Vola - Omnis Mundi Creatura (Radio Version)
11:12 |
Steril - Egoist
11:08 |
Rammstein - Du riechst so gut
11:03 |
Oomph! - Ich bin Du
10:59 |
Derriere Le Miroir - Pictures
10:54 |
Laibach - Leben heißt leben
10:49 |
The Fair Sex - Cyberbite
10:45 |
Blackhouse - Totally Gone
10:42 |
Absent Minded - No Chance
10:38 |
Regenerator - Archetype
10:32 |
Leæther Strip - Don't Tame Your Soul
10:27 |
Trial - Blut und Eisen (Whippermix 2001)
10:22 |
Numb - Lies
10:13 |
Das Ich - Sonne, Mond und Sterne
10:09 |
S.P.O.C.K - Never Trust A Klingon (A Version)
10:04 |
Delay - Soul Cremation
09:57 |
In Strict Confidence - Herzattacke
09:53 |
Mentallo & The Fixer - Decomposed
09:47 |
The Frozen Autumn - Again
09:44 |
Escape With Romeo - Lullaby
09:39 |
Scapa Flow - Drugstore
09:34 |
Love Like Blood - Walking In Demimondes
09:31 |
Call - Love In Chains
09:27 |
The Klinik - Moving Hands
09:23 |
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft - Alle gegen alle
09:19 |
Gracious Shades - This Blackness
09:15 |
Die Form - Bite Of God
09:10 |
Some More Crime - Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland
09:06 |
:wumpscut: - In The Night
09:02 |
Bel Canto - Spiderdust
08:57 |
Leæther Strip - Japanese Bodies
08:52 |
Skinny Puppy - Worlock (Live)
08:47 |
Page 12 - Misanthrope
08:40 |
Die Krupps & Nitzer Ebb - The Machineries Of Joy
08:35 |
Neurotic Fish - Prostitude (NYC Club Edit)
08:30 |
Second Voicec - Living In Paradise
08:25 |
Ghosting - Bombed The World
08:18 |
The Invincible Spirit - Push!
08:14 |
The Eternal Afflict - Song Of Faith
08:07 |
Sleeping Dogs Wake - Toys For Alice
08:01 |
And One - Metalhammer
07:54 |
Skinny Puppy - Inquisition
07:51 |
Delay - Physical Aggression
07:45 |
Limo Detic - Carpe Diem
07:40 |
X Marks The Pedwalk - Abattoir
07:35 |
Placebo Effect - Move (Animation Remix)
07:30 |
WILL-O' - Father Forgive
07:26 |
Oomph! - Der neue Gott
07:20 |
Birmingham 6 - Israel
07:15 |
Leæther Strip - We Deserve It All
07:11 |
Welle: Erdball - W.O.L.F.
07:07 |
Second Voice - Cover Me
07:03 |
Haujobb - Eye Over You
06:59 |
X Marks The Pedwalk - Paranoid Illusions
06:56 |
Der Liederkranz - Eine neue Zeit
06:51 |
Plastic - Ever (Zwischenfall Exclusive Club Mix)
06:46 |
Armageddon Dildos - The Hunter
06:42 |
Still Silent feat. Peter Spilles - Shockwaved
06:34 |
Codex - Riechst Du das?
06:29 |
Eco - Hass & Liebe (94er Mix)
06:25 |
Placebo Effect - Slashed Open
06:20 |
Nitzer Ebb - Getting Closer
06:14 |
Silke Bischoff - To Protect And To Serve
06:10 |
Welle:Erdball - Nyntändo-Schock (Letzte Stufe)
06:04 |
Das Ich - Der Schrei (Remix)
05:59 |
The Mao Tse Tung Experience - Irregular Times
05:55 |
Calva Y Nada - Rascheln
05:52 |
La Floa Maldita - L'Oasis
05:47 |
Mainesthai - Exit (Stage Left)
05:43 |
The Invincible Spirit - Contact
05:39 |
Signal Aout 42 - Pro Patria
05:35 |
S.P.O.C.K - Neutral Zone
05:30 |
Projectile - In A Manner Of Speaking
05:27 |
The Klinik - Black Leather
05:22 |
Poésie Noire - Come Pjutr Syntax Error
05:18 |
Spartak - Fuck The Army
05:13 |
:wumpscut: - Mother
05:08 |
Dance Or Die - Fire
05:04 |
Usarian - Manko?
05:00 |
Blok 57 - There's Nothing Real
04:54 |
Soul In Solation - Evelyn
04:47 |
Lassigue Bendthaus - Automotive
04:44 |
Gaytron - Männerliebe
04:40 |
Love Is Colder Than Death - Wild World
04:37 |
Blind Passengers - Yes Sir
04:32 |
Front 242 - Welcome To Paradise (Live)
04:28 |
Decence - Genises (Club Edit)
04:23 |
Haujobb - World Window (Album Version)
04:19 |
Suicide Commando - See You In Hell
04:14 |
Steril - No Remission
04:08 |
Violet Arcana - In The Scene Of The Mind
04:04 |
La Floa Maldita - Sorciere (Radio Version)
03:58 |
The Fair Sex - Not Now, Not Here
03:56 |
Relatives Menschsein - Verbotene Triebe
03:51 |
Bio-Nic - Trail Of Torment
03:43 |
And One - Techno Man (Live)
03:39 |
Das Ich - Sodom und Gomorra (Relikt Version)
03:34 |
Girls Under Glass - The Heat In My Heart
03:29 |
Ramme - Cybergod
03:23 |
Das Ich - Kain und Abel
03:14 |
X Marks The Pedwalk - Missing Light
03:09 |
Beborn Beton - Torture
03:04 |
The Psychic Force - Acceleration
03:00 |
Sequence Of Life - Love
02:53 |
The Eternal Afflict - San Diego
02:48 |
Haujobb - Homes And Gardens
02:43 |
Cyber Axis - Faith No More (95er Edit)
02:39 |
Apoptygma Berzerk - Bitch
02:33 |
Deine Lakaien - My Decision
02:26 |
Click | Click - Yakutsa
02:22 |
Covenant - Figurehead
02:18 |
Distain! - I Beg For You
02:13 |
Cancer Barrack - Beischlaf Mit 60 kg Hackfleisch
02:09 |
The Psychic Force - Underpass
02:03 |
C-Tec - Gesellschaft
01:59 |
Inside Treatment - Klaustrophobia
01:54 |
Calva Y Nada - Fernes Leid
01:50 |
S.P.L - Gelöbnis
01:47 |
Engelsstaub - Kissed By God
01:44 |
Klute - Hey Fuck Da World
01:40 |
Leæther Strip - I Try - I Die
01:34 |
The Psychic Force - Like An Animal
01:30 |
Forthcoming Fire - The Mask
01:26 |
Breathe - Tenebre
01:21 |
Printed At Bismarck's Death - O' What Can All Thee
01:18 |
X Marks The Pedwalk - Conversion
01:13 |
Snog - Corporate Slave
01:10 |
Tommi Stumpf - Massaker
01:00 |
Mentallo & The Fixer - Legion Of Lepers
00:56 |
Poésie Noire - Come Pjutr Syntax Error
00:52 |
Blok 57 - There's Nothing Real
00:47 |
Mainesthai - Exit (Stage Left)
00:42 |
Dance Or Die - Fire
00:38 |
Calva Y Nada - Rascheln
00:33 |
Die Krupps - Metalmorphosis
00:30 |
The Klinik - Black Leather
00:24 |
Acmé - Poison
00:20 |
Pouppée Fabrikk - Betrayal (12" Mix)
00:14 |
Front Line Assembly - Gun
00:10 |
Spartak - Fuck The Army
00:02 |
Numb - Shithammer