I am not sure what CFRA or Bell media is playing at ... but its becoming very uninteresting listening to CFRA particularly in the late morning ... the station continues to use a female I think called Darlia whose attempt at Talk radio are less than enthusiastic .... its pretty obvious Bell has abandoned Radio and is getting away with murder using bodies that natter on and on .... sorry guys the good old days are gone ... its no longer a Conservative station and you wonder why ?
Comments about Rob Snow is right! Good host!
Shawn Chartrand
why not use Basic income . we already know the project and it works .
cfra is now on my black list ,i have move to 1310 and now Rob Snow will be back in the new year ,its back to normal without cfra,they fired the wrong host should have been Dahlia,she boring and just not up to snuff
As with most of the comments previously submitted I was most disappointed at management's decision to release Rob snow, the station's last most informed and opinionated voice on local matters, what a terrible decision, shame on management! What sort of thinking was involved in the hiring of Dahlia? She is so boring, her topics more so. Would you please request the person who reads the morning news to stop laughing at Bill's comments (whatsoever they may be), she sounds like the proverbial "dumb blonde" (sic). What a turn off! Richard Smith.
Steven Gafteson
In my opinion - Too much time spent by this station on Trump & US issues when there is plenty to fix in our own country like the "Trudeau Regime". DHALIA: Boring and far too much virtue signalling. EVAN & BILL: Showing more and more of their true Liberal Colours every day. Glad to see ROB is back on 1310!!
Ken M. Nicholson
Rob Snow was a great show
Evan's show... He already knows Conrad Black towards his bum buddy Trump.. and from being pardoned. The embellishment truth had to be made towards what Trump's accountable steps has become, for what he has done. So sad many Trump supporters are not seeing how the future will bring the regular Democratic land, as we move forward towards a new world. Trump's country is slowly becoming Putin's view towards his own mandate, whether the Americans believe it or not. In the end, for Trump, "Your Fired"... was always meant for him as most 79% of Americans are awaiting on.
Dhalia is boring, What were you thinking? You hired Dhalia who lacks on-air persona and let Rob Snow go, I am finished with CFRA, I am following Rob Snow to 1310.
CFRA NEWS : Rob Snow --GREAT; Bill Carroll---- NOT SO MUCH. Rob Snow is on now on 1310 so I am there from 9-noon
CFRA - so sad. Listener for over 40 years. I am moving on, and following Rob Snow to 1310. First Madely, the communities conscience, followed by self absorbed Bill, and now Dahlia, who gives boring a whole new dimension. BellMedia, heartless, profit before all else.
Andrew's Photography
What the blazes were you (CFRA) thinking getting rid of Rob Snow?! Dalia Kurtz or whatever her name is?... Takes FOREVER to tell her stories, then at the end falls flat... Augh CFRA!... 1310 it is!!!
I have been a loyal CFRA listener for many years. But, like many others, I will be following Rob Snow over to 1310 in the new year. Perhaps Mr. Green will follow? Very sad the direction CFRA seems to be going.
I can't believe you let Rob Snow go! Wh
The removal of Rob Snow is another nail in the coffin for CFRA. Two more nails left.... One of them is Lowell Green - apparently he will lose his contract by the end of the year. The final nail would be the cancellation of Coast to Coast AM. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that.
My husband and I have been listening to CFRA faithfully since we retired. Recently we moved to CBC on weekends because of the shallow content (Dahlia) and the constant repeating of her name.
Andrew & Gillian Szollos
Welcome to Entertainment Tonight over the air waves.
Chadwick Haines
Honestly.... Dahlia? She is brutal to listen to, way to soft spoken. Think about what Lowel Green brought to the table. From superstars to Semi-Pro trash. This radio station is a joke now. Going over to 1310. Never listening to CFRA again. Rob Snow laid off? You guys have big problems....
I no longer listen to CFRA during the time slot that Rob Snow used to be on, except when Lowell Green speaks. Dahlia and the others don't hold a candle to Mr. Snow. Apparently Lowell Green will be the next one to go by the end of the year, and that will be the final nail to the rare conservative voice in the media. What's next, are they going to cut Coast to Coast AM?
I am done with CFRA! Rob Snow was your most important asset!
CFRA is no longer listenable,,,, Now that their best asset Rob Snow got the boot, cannot stand to listen to unlimited advertisements, and self promotion,,, the only reason to listen was for Rob.
Glad to hear Christie Cameron is in for Dahlia, When Rob Snow was let go CFRA went from first to worst. Perhaps today i will listen. My rating is for Dahlia's show.
First Brian Lilley leaves, and now Rob Snow is let go - what a shame! (Dahlia is a total waste of time.)
Goodson Livingstone
This is far from a Conservative radio station. Dahlia is more of a virtue signalling snowflake than Trudeau at most times. She is actually quite offensive at times and needs to be replaced.
A Question to Rob Snow - If you examine your Enbridge Gas Bill you will see a Federal Carbon Charge. If you similarly check the HST charge, you will see that the FCC has been HST charged. Surely thats double taxation ? I have been unable to get Enbridge to explain this. Thus I ask if you can determine if it's correct to charge the HST on a fee that we pay (a "Tax") for Carbon. This tax on the FCC amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars (maybe Millions of Dollars?) again going to the Province and the Federal Govewrnment ...... surely this is wrong!
Enjoy all the commentators with their right winged slant on issues of the day. Their bias is evident and most are unafraid of stating that. What is needed is a left winged host to present a different slant on things. Most callers just reinforce the right winged side of any issue and it gets boring to hear people simply mirror the host's opinion.
George Csontos
To many commercials, quick switching to CBC helps during them, but wow there are so many and so long. It seems car dealerships are your biggest clients. Flip - What I do hear in the international news front IS good. Every half hour news reporting regularly is a good point also.
Again too many commercials. I pay for internet and should not have to listen to all these ads over and over again. Why the hell do they have to force Us to listen to all these damn commercials when I just want to listen to the news or the topic of the talk show.!!!!!
Rob Snow number one. 5 stars
Stephen Thuswaldner
Question: What Bugs Bunny character does Bill Carroll remind you most of? Answer: Foghorn Leghorn. He continually puts down others on the air. I know it is done "in fun" but really, it sets a very poor example to everyone (especially teenagers). If he is comfortable with this conduct, perhaps he can restrict it to his own family. Matthew did a great job when he was covering as he did not have to be the tear-apart-toy for Carroll.
Howard Gillmoure
this has been a good 7 days on early radio more of common sense. Next week Carroll will be back and will talk all week about his trip makes poeple sick of cfra.
We really enjoy your hosts, especially Evan Solomon.
Cant stand Evan. Sorry CFRA but you have lost a considerable amount of objectivity.
Sydney Atkinson
Sharon Mc Kerracher
Yes CFRA is a great radio station,, miss Lowel Green\s program ,,,,he told it like it is !
I love CFRA! I still wish we had more of Lowell though, he is one of a kind!