Ngaire Rudolph
Cover's every era of amazing music!! Absolutely love this station! Yes Thank you.
Schuch, Daniel
The best radio ever. I love Perth. Greetings from Germany.
Zygmunt Benducki
To jest to ! Super stacja .Pozdrawiam z Polski/ Poland/.
Have just experienced a wonderfully uplifting evening of cherished songs. Thanks Gerry Milford and thank you Curtain fm for staying with this fab era of music. Never forgotten!
Wolfgang Eggert
I am listening to Curtin FM from Germany.Know Curtin Radio for fifteen years when I first was in W.A. Back then I came to know a couple ,Feride and Bill from Eastfremantle.
Tracy Madin-Potts
Live streaming from my hospital bed in Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, thankyou 💜 for all the tunes that are kicking the 'depression blues' away 👍🏼
Louise Montanari
Live streaming from South Africa. Thanks for introducing me to Curtin radio Mr. Caveman :))
I love its station, now I have moved to Collie WA, thanks for streaming I can still enjoy your music...
Rosemarie Shord
As a complete new listener I am absolutely loving all the great songs that you play so many I haven't heard for years it brings back so many memories. THANK YOU
Dinono Dinonos
harika radyo from TURKEY
hi ex aussie now living in ireland great music listen everyday keep it up bill quick
Love Curtin FM I am listening in Mandurah Barbara Jansz
David Christner
Listening from New England. I'm not an Aussie, but these days, I wish I was. Love Dale's show. dwc
Little River Band, Cool! Greetings from Luxembourg, Europe
Love it my kind of music all days. I live Mandurah and love listening to your music Anne Waldron
I'm turn off Curtin Radio as I am sick of having to readjust the volume every time the news is broadcast.
Luis Masciadri
the best, very good music, excellent.
Listening from Canberra . Waiting to hear Kathy Carver . My favorite singer with Clem Odea
abraham garrido
saludos desde la repulica bolivariana de venezuela, the best station
David Christner
We're tuned in from Rhode Island, the smallest state in the U.S., but we love the music Dale James and all the others play on Curtin Radio. Nobody does it better!
I am listening to your Radio Station here in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Just love it. Wish we had a radio station playing decent music here in South Africa.
Mostly very good but switch off Saturday afternoons from the most boring repetitive music!
Lorraine Lawton
Absolutely the best radio station! Love all the music, brings back so many memories. Your programs are interesting and so entertaining ! Keep up the great work
A sensible radio station playing music from my era.
Love the oldies in South Africa
Good to be able to hear some good music and news while working in Mali, Africa
Marc du Plessis
I look forward to Saturday afternoons because the music is really great
Great music, I'm listening to 100.1 while in India! Keep up the great work. Thank you for streaming, can listen to this station with the best music.
Judy Schilling
Great listening all day
John Alexander
beautiful music