Q-95.5 - KRRQ is a broadcast radio station in Lafayette, Louisiana, United States, providing Hip Hop and R&B music, live Lafayette area music events, contests and concerts.
I've listened to y'all all my life and yes in wight. But I've never heard so much racism come from any DJ on any radio station. The Breakfast Club pushes a racist agenda. Although they do support the black community. I have two kids that I've had with a black woman. My daughter is 16 years old my son is 17 years old. They mostly identify according to the tone of their skin as black. And my daughter and son realize this racist rhetoric coming from The Breakfast Club DJ mostly. I've noticed this sense if they've started on The Breakfast Club. All back to me stop listening to y'all station and put it on every now and then just to see what is going on out there on the radio waves. And I disapprove misbehaving
JD FONTENOT09.03.2020
Ryan Blanchard05.02.2020
I like rap music but all yall do is talk about white people very racist and yall see y racism still exist yall not making it any better I'll find another station
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