George Ritchie
I love KNX and miss it. Thankfully, i can even hear it here in Phoenix at night on the car radio. I'm starting with the stream. I understand why you think you have to stream local or national advertisements, but I definitely prefer hearing the real ones from LA. Honestly, they still apply, as I'm frequently back and have business needs. Maybe, consider having the 'authentic' stream. I listen to East Coast stations and European stations and there I get the 'authentic' stream. I definitely prefer that for the full experience.
I have lived in New Mexico for 3 years and still listen to KNX thanks to the Audacy App. Still enjoy listening to the traffic reports. Just 1 request, please have the station provide more local commercials in Los Angeles area. Long live KNX.
I love this radio station I have tuned in since 1965 this is the best station for news, weather, sports and traffic...
I am sorry for the weird political reviews. If there is such a thing as unbiased news reporting it is probably done by this station. For the most part, they provide local news shorts which is why I tune in.
There OK ..some random news...i like to listen...in the evening & or when going to sleep... They put me to sleep...🤗
I really enjoy the KNX live stream, I moved to Utah and listen all the time. LA news radio is more comprehensive. Good Job moving to FM.
Please tell me who is the professor (UC Berkerly) that just talk around 11:50 AM, June 24. She just criticized that the Supreme Court gives the GOP whatever the GOP wants and that men have the right to tell women what to do, etc.
James Melkonian
Several times your station has blamed the high gas prices on Biden shutting down pipelines without even providing any opposing view or context. Biden did shut down construction on the Keystone extension, which was a campaign promise, but that wouldn't have even been operational until 2023 and even when it is will only contribute about 1% to the oil market. He has shut down no other pipelines and it is common knowledge that oil prices are based on the world market of supply and demand not on any actions Biden has taken or not taken. Oil prices are high around the world. Why are you pushing false information?
Can someone tell me why does the 91 Fwy Eastbound at Weir Canyon turns into the Bermuda Triangle after 3pm?
Jackie Betancourt
I am a Commercial truck driver and you guys make my job much easier when I am in the Los Angeles area. God Bless You. Thank you for all you do and sacrifice.
Jacqueline Betancourt
Thank you.
Still making up garbage about Trump today. Pathetic.
When 97.1 FM was AMP Radio, they did a lame job of trying to keep up with KIIS-fm, so they may as well flip to an all-news format. The reception is much better in the car than the AM broadcast...
Ok I love the knx news station, and am very concerned about Ukraine, and the people of that country. And the Monster that is putin, but when you immediately follow this content with Tiger Woods is going to play golf...... Well this really makes Tiger seem very shallow, and makes knx seem like it doesn't know what is important. 😥
Regarding Interview of a lawyer Ari something (between 2 and 3 pm today 03/31) on the Hunter Biden investigation in relation to Burisma (gas) Holdings. PLEASE refrain from interviewing people like Ari with an agenda and averring questionable "facts" unless your interviewers are better prepared to discuss and push back with real facts. Anything less is just being an agent of political propaganda, not news. Discussion of Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma is legitimate, but calling Burisma a terrorist organization and/or involved in the development of pathogens, implicating Hunter Biden in what is happening in Ukraine today, and the various types of drugs Hunter Biden may have used are not legitimate - unless supported by facts or at least suggesting why these allegations are relevant to the Hunter Biden investigation. Please get back to reporting news and forget the political theatre.
Ronald Vaughan
The Britney Spears news is applicable to EVERYBODY because it impinges on conservatory issues and psychiatry and human rights. It cannot be dismissed as a mere "entertainment" issue.
Rebecca Hampton
PLEASE STFU about the gas prices! Every second you mention it as if it's NEWS. We all know, so why don't you deliver newsworthy information! It's old and aggravating.
I began listening to KNX in 1976 when I moved from Northern Illinois to San Diego, California.The station has always been superior in its even-handed, unbiased delivery of the news.My only regret was the demise of The KNX Drama Hour when LA suffered horrendous wildfires last century. The Old Time Radio shows highlighted radio in its Golden Era. The voices have changed, the station is excellent.
This station needs focus!
Loved this station since I was old enough to understand
This news station is so biased! You’ve lost the art of true journalism. Thank God I have the Choice to turn you off.
Robert Fajardo
I don't listen to KNX anymore. With Jennifer York and Vicki Moore's hard to understand fast pace traffic reports that are basically nasty, gross and disrespectful, I change the frequency. KNX Holly-Ho-Wood White Trash Nazi Racist Management NEEDS A LONG DUE OVERHAUL. Don't waste your time with listening to KNX FOLKS.
this is supposed to be news. Why is Brittany Spears a top news story??? Does anyone care??? Are there not more important, and actually REAL issues? News about Brittany Spears belongs on entertainment news and tabloids, not a top breaking news story!!! Good grief
Who exactly is President Elect Biden??? His corruption is trying to steal the presidency from President Trump through corruption and criminal activity. How dare you broadcast this LIE. You are apparently a member of the SWAMP. You have lost a listener. How many radio and tv stations have broadcasted this LIE. Have you listened to other radio stations to get the CORRECT information? President Trump is suing so many state to have voter recounts because of this corruption. The President is President Trump. You make me sick.
In Depth is one sided. Your format does not allow for opposing views especially views that are more centrist or even conservative. Your narrative is basically liberal leaning and sometimes I cringe at the so called "experts" that are very progressive. Why not conduct in depth and give both sides a voice?
Maureen Houston
Been tuning in since the 70's😊