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Radio Jamii 103.9FM

Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
Jamii fm is a community radio station started by Wezesha Jamii Community Based Organizationin in the year 2022. The Radio was established by community members resident in Likuyani-Kakamega Sub County. The Community requested Wezesha Jamii CBO Management to assist them educate the community on the importance of farming, good health and education. This prompted the CBO to come up a community radio station by the name, “JAMII FM 103.9,”. The radio covers 180km radius with an estimated audience of 1,000,000 people. It covers Likuyani and Lugari sub counties in Kakamega, covers some parts of Uasin Gishu, these includes; Soyi, Turbo, Moiben and Kapseret counties. Lastly it covers some counties in Trans Nzoia including Cherengani, Endebes and Kiminini.
2 0

Зараз у эфіры Radio Jamii 103.9FM

Прамы эфір ally mahaba ft aslay uje mp3 11204
15:47 Jahmiel Favorite Dress
Плейлист Radio Jamii 103.9FM

ТОП трэкі на Radio Jamii 103.9FM

Drop (2)Drop — 2 Bitches
Bruce Melodie - KaterinaBruce Melodie — Katerina
Korede Bello - GodwinKorede Bello — Godwin
KCEE - FEEL ITKcee — Feel It
Harmonize ft Rayvanny - Paranawe | JigAlert.comRayvanny — Paranawe
apostle drop 3Drop 3 — Rise
Johnny Drille - How Are You My Friend - SingleJohnny Drille — How Are You (My Friend)
Jessie Murph - Always Been You - Always Been You - SingleJessie Murph — Always Been You
Vershon - Di TruthVershon — Di Truth
Kelechi africana - RingKelechi Africana — Ring

Водгукі аб Radio Jamii 103.9FM

  • 5
    my Best

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Тэлефон: +254 711 296248
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +254711296248
Facebook: @jamiifm103.9

Час у горадзе Kitale: 01:10, 02.10.2025

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