Radio Botswana - RB1 is a Government broadcast radio station in Garborone, Botswana, providing News, Current Affairs, , Culture, Education and Entertainment. The Culture and Entertainment Section of RB 1 is responsible for the general programmes and features cultural themes, music and drama to educate and entertain the public about government programmes.
Where is radio? Where do we connect? I so much miss the station at the heart of the nation
Uyapo Babaki23.02.2023
E gana go bua lenna radio
Dr shakwa05.03.2021
Nice 1...😍👌
Goitseone Bailey26.12.2020
Oketsa gonne worse worse
Mtongafi Nkosi??09.12.2020
Ke modisa Kendra David Ngache30.10.2020
OMG, finally managed to get it after Tunein restricted our station mo UK! Nice to listen to this eseng bo BBC ba mono! :-)
Arona Bolebano28.09.2020
Seromamowa sese tona,
kums molts31.07.2020
listening from Mopipi
Sonke Sizwe Gilbert Sithole13.05.2020
Ruri tiro yone o e dirile RB1 ka nako ya lockdown, ga ekabo e se ka wena ....ijooo weeee re kabo re sule . Ke leboga le Badiredi ba Seroma sa rona go bo ba dirile tiro ka matsetseleko le ka boikarabelo...Well done team you kept us going keep it up..we really adore thee. God bless